This Information Rain & Pupster Problems, Read Now

Poor little anemone bowing its pretty purple head in the rain we got today. For a little while, it really came down.

Charlie and Abi are at the vet getting their teeth cleaned. And Charlie is also having a cyst excised from the top of his head.

I planted herbs and alyssum in my big periwinkle garden from Gardener's Supply. I put some little stones around them to discourage the dogs from stepping on them.

And look, my first clematis blooms!

They don't look too perky now after the downpour. There are lots of blooms on this vine.

Now the sun has come out from behind the clouds. And my plants got a good dose of rain courtesy of Mother Nature herself.

Note: Just got the pupsters home. Charlie has two teeth left, poor little guy. And they found some sort of tumor in Abi's mouth that could be cancer. 

I didn't care what it cost above the nearly $600 I already had to pay. I said send it off and and find out if it's cancer. 

They both cried in pain all the way home and I cried right along with them.

Gonna be a long week waiting to find out.

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